Comp. Rules. 2024/25

Affiliated to the Photographic Alliance of GB through the Northern Counties Photographic Federation

General Competition Rules
To enter any competition you are required to have paid your subscriptions prior to your entry submission.
Any projected image or print which has won a club trophy cannot be entered again in future club competitions
All entries must have been taken by the author and may be trade processed.

Prints may be from a transparency / negative or digital.
All Monochrome & Colour prints to be mounted and titled in the bottom right hand corner, on the reverse side of the print and be anonymous (untitled entries will NOT be accepted)

Minimum print size to be 18cm x 13cm (7" X 5")
Maximum print size ( including mount ) 50cms x 40cms (20" X 16") ( Board not to exceed 3mm in Thickness)

A Monochrome print is a black & white work going from very dark grey ( black ) to a very light grey ( white ), or a print toned entirely in a single colour

On the other hand, a black & white work modified by partial toning or by the addition of one colour becomes a colour
work (polychrome) to stand in the Colour Section.
Prints are entered on the understanding that the Competition Secretary can retain them, if necessary, for use in Exhibitions & NCPF competitions, etc.
NO MARKS will be given in ANY Club competition

Projected Digital Images Competitions
Images must be in ‘jpeg’ format.
Image size must not exceed maximum pixel dimensions of 1400 pixels and 1050 pixels in the horizontal and vertical planes respectively, together with a resolution of 72

All members will have a unique number ( given when their subs are paid )
so for example say my number is 10

On the back right bottom corner of the print submitted I would put my membership number the title of my image and the initials of the competition being entered
so my entry would be......10 Sunrise over Amble CE ( Charles Eagles )
This will avoid having to print and complete an entry form to submit with your prints.

the same system should be used for DPI competitions
All images should be resized for DPI comps to a resolution of 72 with a max 1400 on the long side of the image and a max of 1050 on the short side

On the results night for prints in the past it has been difficult for most of us to see the actual print the judge is commenting on as it is to far away from us. This season we intend that as well as the print being shown on the lightbox and the judge commenting a DPI of the print will at the same time be projected onto a screen. This would mean that all members ( including those at the back of the hall) will be able to see the image and the relevance of the judges comments and so appreciate the print entered.
For this to work we would ask members that as well as submitting your prints for a competition you also send a DPI of your prints to Jim Sharp until further notice.

Cestria Trophy (Projected Digital Images)
Maximum of four entries
Brian Carroll Trophy ( PDI )
Maximum of four entries
Sam Vickers Trophy ( Colour Print ) (Architecture)
Maximum of four entries
ATW Trophy: 3 of Kind (Digital Projected Images)
Maximum of THREE Images (OPEN)
Charles Eagles Shield ( Mono Print )
George Richardson Trophy (Colour print)
Maximum of four entries
Camera Clinic Trophy (Colour Print )
Maximum of four entries
Elliott Fennell Trophy ( Colour print)
Subject: Landscape .Maximum of four entries
Photographic Centre Shield ( PDI)
Maximum of four entries.
Quickfire. (Digital Projected Images)
Maximum of four entries.
In the event of over subscription in the PRINTS COMPETITION the fourth Title will be WITHDRAWN.

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